Monday, November 16, 2009

Drivers License

“Hurry up, hurry up,’ said Master Ian. Mrs. H. climbed into the family flivver and off they toddled, over to Auburn for his driver’s exam. Ian had been waiting not so patiently ever since he had been assigned a date online from the DMV, and finally, that date had arrived. Punctuality is one thing, remarked Mrs. Hall, but she noted they were a clear thirty minutes ahead of their reserved time. However, Ian’s insistence had paid off- six other drivers pulled in queue behind them at the curb. Their appointment was for eleven, and somewhere about 11:10 (the longest ten minutes of Ian’s life!) the examiners decided to show up. Mrs. H. got out of the car and stepped to the sidewalk to wait with the other expectant parents. When they returned, the examiner gave no clue to the outcome as she passed, and Mrs. Hall could barely bring herself to peek into the van at Ian, but when she did, he was sporting a grin so large it could hardly be contained in the car. A couple of hardy backslaps later, they were off to McDonald’s for the traditional lunch served to all new drivers at the Hall.
The following week, Ian showed off his driving skills on the highways around town, as the Halls assembled Wednesday afternoon for the cake-cutting ceremony at the recruiter’s office in Mattydale. Each year, the Marines celebrate the anniversary of their inception on Nov. 11th, and this year marked their 234th year of service to our country. With some minor pomp and circumstance, the officers marked the day, cut the cake with a ceremonial sword and stood for the Marine Hymn. About twenty new recruits enjoyed the festivities, a large showing for the district and a welcome sign that patriotism and service still rank high amongst the goals of today’s youths.

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