Last Monday in Marcellus, as Mr. H. eased the Cadillac out of the hanger, the thermometer in the cockpit read –15 degrees, and there was considerable discussion within the Hall as to whether the younger members should brave the cold for the sake of school. Never mind that they had just been braving it earlier that morning to blow bubbles out the back door and watch them freeze in mid-air, then drop and roll on the patio out back. Mrs. H. had vetoed the motion, and the kids were dully dispatched.
So it was particularly strange when, less than 72 hours later, Syracuse was smashing records left and right with freakishly warm weather. It topped 63 on Wednesday, (record high had been 62 in 1932) and then went on to 70 the next day. Syracuse had been on top in the Race for the Golden Snowball Award, but if this kept up, it would end up being the On Golden Pond Award.
Nice and Warm, then bitter cold…
So Thursday, Penguin Hall was toasty and warm, all sunlit corridors and lazy cats in the halls and on the Persian rugs. But as evening fell upon the little valley, the Hall grew increasingly chilly. It was Mr. H. who first recognized the problem. The furnace men were called to task, but repairs could not be effected ‘til the following morning. Luckily, the Hall is furnished with electric heat on the upper level, but it was mighty frosty the next morning in the kitchen. Mr. H’s breath could be seen as he ushered in the new day, which was just as well, because the words did not warrant repeating. All is back to normal now- cats bask in the kitchen and children play on the carpets and all’s right with the world again at Penguin Hall.
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