Weather forecasters the country over are earning overtime this year; here is it only March (meteorological spring having started on Sunday!) and while we are still in the throws of the Golden Snowball race ( the mercury is vying for record highs. Monday in Marcellus, the temperature soared to 61 degrees; so the word went out from Mr. H. to sho
vel the patio and break out the charcoal- all those cumbersome ribeye steaks in the freezer are to be destined for the fire!
Those George Foreman grills may boast of healthy grilling, and during those dark winter months it was nice to char up some salmon steaks; but nothing compares to the aroma of meat and fat, dripping on an open hickory fire! The end effect was quite satisfying- flames licking the steaks outside amidst the snow banks and icicles; family members all licking their plates spotless inside, amidst the sounds of yet another winter storm advisory on the telly. Cholestrol concerns be damned (at least for one night!)- it was delightful to have a preview of warmer times to come!
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